Updates from Israel

By Kalela Lancaster, NCJW Representative in Israel
January 14, 2025
I am writing to you from Israel as we wait with hope and anxiety for news of a possible hostage deal. In this moment, our hearts are with the families whose loved ones are still languishing in the tunnels of Gaza, who have campaigned tirelessly to bring them home. NCJW has held the plight of the hostages in our hearts and actions since the war began, advocating for their release amongst all audiences and decision makers with whom we hold influence. As well, we see the images from Gaza and are pained by the suffering of innocent women, children, and families there. The time is now to bring home all 98 hostages and create conditions for recovery and rebuilding across the region.
No one in Israel has been left unscathed by the events of October 7 and since. The anguish of the hostage crisis, daily announcements of fallen soldiers, thousands affected by displacement, and constant sirens have formed the backdrop to the past 15 months.
I want to let you know that during this time, NCJW has made a difference on the ground in Israel. Thanks to your support, and the support of the entire NCJW network, we have been able to play a unique role since October 7 — rising to challenges, identifying urgent needs, and bringing people together to build pathways of hope for the future.
Here are three key ways NCJW made an impact in Israel since the war began:
- We allocated nearly $200,000 raised through The Israel Granting Program (IGP) Emergency Appeal. Within weeks of the Hamas attacks, NCJW launched the IGP Emergency Appeal to directly address the impact of the war on women, children, and families. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to allocate targeted grants and respond to evolving needs and priorities on the ground. See our full IGP Emergency Appeal allocations list here.
- We shined a light on the impacts of the war on women and girls, advocating for donors to apply a gender lens to the allocations of millions of dollars earmarked for Israel’s resilience and recovery. Through our leadership in the Jewish Funders Network Gender Giving Forum, we spoke out at convenings, wrote position papers, and worked behind the scenes to influence major donor allocations.
- We led groundbreaking work to prepare for “the day after” the war, convening Israeli feminist leaders in a collaborative planning process for gender equity. Through our field-building program, Connecting for Impact, we led an innovative process that brought together 30 leaders of feminist organizations to define shared goals and shape collaborative plans for the future. In September, they presented their ideas to a broader group of stakeholders, and are now fine-tuning them for next steps.
We are proud of NCJW’s impact on the ground in Israel under such difficult circumstances, finding and magnifying cracks of light in the darkness. As hopes intensify, we pray for an imminent, comprehensive hostage deal that can bring an end to the immense pain of these last 15 months. As Israel shifts to healing, rebuilding, and nurturing hope for a better future, NCJW will continue to work hard on the ground to advance our vision of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state where women, children, and families of all identities and backgrounds can flourish.